AI Prompts

Using Howdy Coder's Prompts

What are Prompts?

When using an AI such as Chat GPT, you input words or a question and the AI outputs a result. If you ask an AI:

"Who won the world Series in 2005?"

You could expect a response like:

"The Chicago White Sox won the World Series in 2005. They defeated the Houston Astros in a four-game sweep to capture their first championship since 1917."

In this example we can guide the AI to respond in a different manner with a prompt asking it to ask in a country accent:

"Answer the following question with a country accent. Who won the world Series in 2005?".

You could expect a response like:

"Well, darlin', in 2005, it was them Chicago White Sox who won themselves the World Series. Yup, they had a real good run that year and brought that championship trophy back home to the Windy City. Yeehaw!"

AI can also be used as a tool for generating code. AI performs well when asked to generate code for simple tasks from regular instructions. Similarly to asking AI to respond in a country accent, we can provide a prompt to ask it to generate code in a specific format with specific explanations.

Howdy Coder Prompts

Howdy Coder's prompts do this to have the AI generate code for functions that is compatible with the architecutre of the application. Different prompts are used to generate different code for each situation. The prompt used for generating code for data sources differs from the prompt used for actions.

There are two options for using the prompts to generate code compatible with Howdy Coder:

  • (Recommended)Use the in-app code generator that is a part of Function Selector. This automatically selects the correct prompt.
  • Use an outisde AI, like ChatGPT, and find the correct prompt to use from below.
Example, you want to create an event that takes in prices from the data set and averages them. You would copy the event prompt, paste it into the online AI and then ask "average the prices from the data set" and it will generate the code.

If you are looking to modify code, copy the appropriate modify prompt, paste the code you want to modify and then explain how you want the code modified.

 Data Source


 Trigger Calculation

 Trigger Output


 Parameter Setup Function